My First Post
Really, who’s reading this shit?
Alright, let’s be real. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of the three people to whom I sent the link to my site. Or you’re me. (I don’t know what’s sadder, to be honest.)
So what’s this all “blog” about then?
Its a Tuesday night, I’ve got an early morning meeting tomorrow that I do not want to attend, and I can’t get this stupid site to do what I want it to. “But author”, you may ask, “why aren’t you going to sleep? You could try again tomorrow you know?”
First of all, stop being rude. My name is Mahesh and you damn well know it. Mainly because plastered all over the site, including at the bottom of this very page. And second, how dare you throw logic at me?
Seriously though, I do need to get some sleep. I’ve already been operating on a sleep deficit for the past week, and going stir crazy over a new hobby isn’t helping anyone. And lets be honest - I can bake a mean cheesecake, and build the shit out of Civ 6 wonders, Bill Bryson I am not. Doesn’t hurt to fake it though.